
請使用電子化校園帳號密碼登入!! Authentication Method Changed!!

請使用電子化校園帳號密碼登入!! Authentication Method Changed!!

- admin 1 の投稿
返信数: 0



  1. 姓名、學號、系級欄位,與電子化校園之資料同步,並且不得更改。

  2. 如需增加別名,請至 個人資料設定 > 編修個人資料 > 附加名稱中,進行設定。

The SCU Moodle System authentication method has updated.  Please use your e-campus account and password to log in.

Update Notes:

  1. Fields Synchronized with ecampus system includes: Firstname, Lastname and ID Number.

  2. If there are other name you are using, please edit the Additional names field as follows: My profile settings > Edit profile > Additional names

洽詢電話(Service contact):(02)28819471#5833